Good Man / As He Made You

Format 7
Producer Strictly Yard
Condition Mint
Strictly Yard Music is honoured to release a brand new single from the legendary reggae singer Michael “Lickshot” Palmer titled Good Man. The track’s inspirational lyrics and heavyweight roots reggae beat make it an instant classic! “Heart of love” is Michael Palmer’s motto, and Good Man uplifts everyone to understand the power of love and generosity. In our current time of trials and tribulations, Michael Palmer delivers uplifting lyrical content in this catchy track. Music fans, listen to the lyrics, riddim, and message of Michael Palmer’s latest hit single, Good Man, and feel the power of reggae music!

K Vibes song "As He Made You" comes at a much needed time when skin bleaching has reached epidemic proportions around the world among people of color. I truly believe everyone is beautiful just the way God made them. I wrote this song to appeal to those who can not identify with the idea that not only is black beautiful, but that we should love ourselves as he made us. This will allow others to love us for who we are and not an image of what we think others want to see. Just as racism is a sickness unto death so is self hatred.

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